Some time ago, Madam wrote a very brief polemic on the subject of immigration attorneys. Today, for the benefit of some who were still living out there in the real world when the piece first wandered into the blogosphere, and who might be even slightly impressed or intimidated by folks who will write a single letter in six different fonts, and wear mid-priced suits that were actually altered to fit in America, she will take a moment to include here a slightly longer version that she hopes makes the same point:
With apologies to the half-dozen highly competent immigration attorneys that Madam knows -- what the heck is with the rest of them? Is there no test of competency or even basic knowledge before an 'immigration attorney' can hang a shingle?
At AILA conventions one can only be stunned by the incredibly clueless questions some attorneys ask, and the information they offer (or, to put it more vernacularly, the nonsense they try to sell. Loudly.). In panel presentations, it is not uncommon that many audience members are so ignorant of the law and so instantly hostile toward US consular representatives on the panel that their fellow attorneys have to shush them and drag them back into their seats.

Those same - or other - letters might also and frequently quote - at length - from interviews that the attorney did not attend, punctuated by not-so-subtle insults and implications of consular incompetence.
Mes enfants, do not let them intimidate you.
Read, listen, and think for yourself. Good job.
Dear Consul Files :
Please check out my post on FB with regard to your "realistic and interesting letter" (Thoughts on Aila) posted on your blog. I completely agree with you.!/photo.php?fbid=585836004796189&set=a.176300799083047.35654.100001093840895&type=1&theater
Hon. Tom Holladay (former FSO) replied on FB : "Didn't they used to be called AINL (Association of Immigration and Naturalization Lawyers)? The best ones add value to a case, the worst a storm of distracting and often misleading paper. Of course what else can they do when representing a weak case? "
and then I said : "@Tom, yes. Wikipedia says :"The association (originally called the Association of Immigration and Nationality Lawyers or AINL) was founded on October 14, 1946". We the lawyers must know INA FAM CFR etc if we deal with posts or ca-vo-l . and we can rescue a niv weak case from other hands. On july 18, 2013 I posted on FB the following info with regard refused niv pet under ina 214b Vs disappointed lawyers-applicants :"@Disappointed Applicants for American Visas at American Consulates Abroad.
Occasionally, disappointed applicants for american visas may express the feeling that the Consular Officer did not adequately examine each piece of their supporting documentation or that they were not offered the chance to provide additional documentation during the consular interview. If it is obvious from the information provided to the Consular Officer verbally during the consular interview and on the visa DS 160 application form that the foreign applicant will not qualify for a visitor visa, the interviewing Consular Officer may decline to review additional supporting documents..."
Well Madam, keep up the good work on your blog, keep us tuned and please follow me on Twitter: @consularaffairs, on FB : "Consular Affairs" and the website - - is under construction.
Glenn R. Morales
Attorney at Law, Private International Law
American Bar Association Nr: 01963004
I applaud your comments.
George Bruno, Attorney and International Counselor
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